Mitcor Software Team Announces Latest Development

On behalf of the Mitcor Software Development Team Dr. Mark Zarka announceed today the project team parameters for the SIAB Application:

SIAB Online® Management for SIAB Producers

A wide geographical distribution of SIAB equipment, and diverse owners, who are not necessarily in the production facility every day, as well as higher production requirements call for a complete overview of shrimp production. Announcing SIAB Online® network which monitors SIAB computers from a central location and makes it possible to extract and present selected data graphically.

Valid Data without Delay

SIAB Online® ensures the producer quick access to valid data. SIAB Online® is connected live to the individual production computers, making it possible to extract current and valid production and environment data. The SIAB production computer transmits data directly to a PC for a high degree of data validity and more time to look after the shrimp. SIAB Online® can deliver data to the individual farm manager, but it is also possible to extract data from several farms to a central office and use the data received to prepare analysis of the individual SIAB and production units to optimize production further. The setup of the production computer can be copied, thus allowing the setup for the best performing facility to be copied to the other production computers. The SIAB Online® system presents production and environment data in a well-ordered fashion, providing the SIAB producer with a quick overview and the possibility of monitoring the development of the individual batches. The system can extract numerous data, including key values for temperature, PH, Nitrogen level, mortality, gain, etc.

SIAB Online® can be used with production computers in existing networks and Mitcor’s new production computers which also feature a built-in LAN Ethernet.

Safety with SIAB Online®

With SIAB Online®, the producer receives alarms from the production computer, enabling him to take immediate, qualified action, e.g. in order to change the setup of the production computer to ensure the welfare of the shrimps and prevent financial losses. Alarms appear in a pop-up window on the PC and the system can be set up to transmit an alarm via a text message or email.

Clear and adapted to the individual production batch

Today, equipment computers are advanced, with numerous setting options. It can, therefore, be difficult to see whether an employee has unintentionally changed the settings for a production module. With SIAB Online® any deviation from the planned strategy is clearly displayed, making it easy for the producer to ensure that all the modules follow the planned strategy. In addition, photos of the farm and the individual sections can be added to make it easy to supervise the individual production modules and easy to navigate between them.

MITCOR delivers and installs cables and cordless networks that are developed especially for installation in the production facility environments, thus preventing any malfunctioning or breakdowns.

Online Across the World

MITCOR’s SIAB Online® app for smartphones enables farm managers to access SIAB data and alarms on all production computers. Internet access is all you need. This minimizes the risk of losses in case of a system breakdown and enables the farm manager to monitor the production even though he is not physically present in the production facility. The MITCOR mobile app can be downloaded for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone.

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