About Us


MITCOR -Marine Innovation & Technology Corporation is a technology development and implementation company bringing new and innovative solutions to the global marine and aquaculture industries. The current lead product has been developed within the envelope of the SIAB Project (Shrimp-In-A-Box). It is a simple name used to capture the imagination of both novices and industry professionals alike. This flagship product has been under development since 2009. It is the fully contained, modular and automated shrimp grow-out system. This system stands to revolutionize the shrimp industry offering an environmentally and biologically superior alternative to the traditional pond method of shrimp production. Our goal is to produce the healthiest and best tasting shrimp, in the safest and most cost effective manner thereby maximizing the return on investment for all clients and stakeholders.

Responsible Environment

Full Documentation

Reasonable Pricing

Clean Water

Responsible Environment

At Mitcor we understand the necessity to view environmental issues as a top priority in all areas of our business. It is our corporate mandate to develop our projects and products in a manner that will aid in solving current problems that we can directly influence.

“Environmentally responsilbe in all areas of our business”

Intellectual Property

One of our most powerful tools is our access to cutting edge intellectual property which has recently been developed in many diverse lines of business and science. We have adapted and combined many of these opportunities with our own research. When applied to our Marine and Aquaculture focus we are able to bring new and innovative products to market. Our flagship product for the biologically safe and environmentally friendly grow-out system for shrimp developed in our SIAB Project is a direct result of this process.

Especially Clean Water
Especially Clean Water

Water especially clean water will prove over time to be the worlds most critical resource. It cannot be wasted. Water is proving to be the single most defining criteria to our projects and products. Mitcor in every situation must return water as close to consumption quantity and quality in better condition to the environment than we received it. As an example our SIAB grow out system uses only 11″ of water for grow out, 85% of the water used in our system leaves in the bodies of our shrimp and the remaing water that is released after use is naturally pure without chemicals.

See what the responsible use of new intellectual property can aid in building for the future.

Take a look at our SIAB – Shrimp In A Box Project.

About SIAB