Our Technology
Although Mitcor accesses many new technologies on an annual basis many are not pursued as they are not ready for commercialization or need other innovative intellectual property to make them successful. However, we spend a great deal of additional research evaluating new technology when it may impact aquaculture in an extremely powerful way.
Seafood is an important source of protein as well as a food source rich in functional compounds such as DHA and taurine. Countries such as Japan have always been a major consumer of fish, and demand for fish products has increased in recent years due to increased health-consciousness in Europe and America, and the economic growth of China. With the global population expected to exceed nine billion in 2050, demand is likely to increase even more. However, fish resources are limited. Even now, many fish are already on the brink of extinction due to overfishing. For this reason, the production of fish products through aquafarming has become important to the challenge of securing food resources.
There are many obstacles that must be overcome in order to obtain a stable supply of fish products using aquafarming. For example, there are the problems of infectious disease and the need to obtain feed. Our projects aim to develop new aquaculture technology. We seek to establish a range of technologies with the potential to turn in market urban centers into a new storehouse of food for the world.

Mitcor is wholly engaged in the development of marine projects. Projects include vessel design, project management through to construction, financing and post launch chartering.

Lessons learned from earlier projects in shrimp pond construction have been focused on improving the quality of all future aquaculture projects. Mitcor’s mandate is for its name to be synonymous with Seastainability.

At Mitcor, feed is not just a product but a passion. Lessons learned in the 80’s and 90’s in the development, production and distribution of feed in the poultry industry have been refined and applied to the latest aquacutlure formulas and production methods.

Mitcor’s success over the next decade will be defined by its ability to integrate the development of new intelectual property with efficient engineering designs and construction methods.