SIAB - Shrimp In A Box

Mitcor’s leading product has been developed within the envelope of the SIAB Project (Shrimp-In-A-Box). It is a simple name used to capture the imagination of both novices and industry professionals alike. The flagship product is the fully contained, modular and automated shrimp grow-out system. This system stands to revolutionize the shrimp industry offering an environmentally and biologically superior alternative to the traditional pond method of shrimp production. Our goal is to produce the healthiest and best tasting shrimp, in the safest and most cost effective manner thereby maximizing the return on investment for all clients and stakeholders.

The fully contained, bio-hazard free, system will provide the optimum growing environment for shrimp, promoting faster growth and a healthier better tasting product.  The MITCOR system will incorporate a new and innovative feed system, feed formulations, closed loop water management, and an extensive computer monitoring system for 24/7 visibility and control. The MITCOR system will deliver greater yields, in a shorter time, and at a lower production cost than pond farms or other hyper intensive methods.

MITCOR will implement a centralized modular manufacturing model to provide the highest quality and lowest cost equipment in the industry. Producers switching to the MITCOR system will enjoy increased production, higher yields and faster return on their investment.

To extend the value proposition for clients and stakeholders MITCOR will implement a comprehensive business model beyond the sale of equipment. The model will extend to facility design and set-up, feed supply, monitoring, maintenance programs, extensive training, financing, product distribution, and by-product reclamation.

MITCOR’s fully contained production system will allow any corner of the world to participate in the 24/7 production of shrimp without concern for local weather, access to salt water, or the fear of impact on the environment. With the MITCOR system water leaving the system will be clean and drinkable, waste will be converted to re-usable products and energy consumption will be minimized.